Minitendr_30_221_A_Putování Pardubice, Osoblaha

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailDNSOBJ 27/2022/2809. 09. 2022MARY & POPP'S AGENCY, s.r.o.146 289,00120 900,00146 289,00120 900,00CZK

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DetailMARY & POPP'S AGENCY, s.r.o.Pardubice146 289,00120 900,00CZK
DetailMertel RG Česká republika, spol. s r.o.Praha185 916,50153 650,00CZK
DetailHCORE production s.r.o.Praha 9166 980,00138 000,00CZK