A scheduled downtime of the authorized section of NEN is currently in progress. For details, see News and Information.

KŘP KVy - P 2.0 - KŘP kraje Vysočina, Vrchlického 46 - půdní vestavba - výkon koordinátora BOZP

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

Show detail
DetailKRPJ-133044-11/ČJ-2023-1600VZ20. 12. 2023Martin Vodák70 000,0070 000,0090 300,0090 300,00CZK

Published Documents

No records to be displayed in this list.

Amendments to the Contract/Agreement

214. 11. 2024https://smlouvy.gov.cz/smlouva/3099243617 967,0017 967,00
104. 11. 2024https://smlouvy.gov.cz/smlouva/308266442 333,002 333,00

List of Participants

Show detail
DetailMartin VodákChotěboř70 000,0070 000,00CZKYes
DetailMARGONY s.r.o.Jihlava108 900,0090 000,00CZKNo