Vybavení kuchyně ZŠ Horníkova, Brno

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail201913. 09. 2019MALÁČ739 177,00610 890,08CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailHOSPIMED, spol. s r.o.Praha791 728,41654 321,00
DetailGOZ GASTRO s.r.o.Brno840 075,00694 276,85
DetailGASTRO NOVOTNÝBrno714 584,00590 565,28
DetailMALÁČ739 177,00610 890,08
DetailGASTRO MACH, s.r.o.Jeseník903 628,00674 829,39
DetailZich a spol., s.r.o.Černožice768 074,00634 771,90