Provedení servisních prací elektrických rotačních a elektronických sirén HZS JmK

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail62-2-6672/201925. 11. 2019SMPV servis s.r.o.731 348,20604 420,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailSMPV servis s.r.o.Brno731 348,20604 420,00CZK
DetailHARICOM, spol. s r.o.Praha738 350,47610 207,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

62-2-6672/2019202113 648,8011 280,00
62-2-6672/2019202134 122,0028 200,00
62-2-6672/2019202130 709,8025 380,00
62-2-6672/2019202127 297,6022 560,00
62-2-6672/2019202128 435,0023 500,00
62-2-6672/2019202113 648,8011 280,00
62-2-6672/201920219 099,207 520,00
62-2-6672/2019202123 885,4019 740,00
62-2-6672/2019202135 259,4029 140,00
62-2-6672/2019202134 122,0028 200,00