Bezhotovostní odběr pohonných hmot u čerpacích stanic formou karet

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ14. 08. 2020ČEPRO, a.s.44 276 078,0036 591 800,00CZK

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DetailČEPRO, a.s.Praha44 276 078,0036 591 800,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ202318 426,0615 228,15
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ202328 223,0623 324,87
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ202312 741,2510 629,96
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ20231 325 224,871 095 227,41
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ20231 338 811,961 106 456,22
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ202320 012,6416 539,38
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ20231 205 877,07996 592,73
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ202326 735,0022 095,03
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ202315 553,2612 853,93
KRPK-55709-2/ČJ-2020-1900VZ20231 350 599,271 116 197,67