Dodání chráničů sluchu pro výkonné útvary KŘPA

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPA-240308-13/ČJ-2020-0000VZ-V14. 10. 2020Ing. Dan RICHTER149 132,50123 250,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailIng. Dan RICHTERPraha149 132,50123 250,00CZK
DetailPATIP s.r.o.Trnava154 275,00127 500,00CZK
DetailVV TOP s.r.o.Brno176 962,50146 250,00CZK
DetailZEKOTECH, s.r.o.Praha217 800,00180 000,00CZK
DetailAlcaserv Czech, a.s.Praha 1193 600,00160 000,00CZK