Sociální služby Uherské Hradiště, p. o. – Chráněné bydlení Bystřice pod Hostýnem – technický dozor stavebníka a koordinátora BOZP

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailD/2314/2021/PŘ23. 11. 2021Pavel Volek319 440,00264 000,00348 480,00288 000,00CZK

Published Documents

No records to be displayed in this list.

Amendments to the Contract/Agreement

110. 10. 2022 040,0024 000,00

List of Participants

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DetailPavel VolekStěbořice319 440,00264 000,00CZK
DetailIng. Marcel SedlaříkKroměříž396 500,00396 500,00CZK
DetailSAFETY PRO s.r.o.Olomouc731 445,00604 500,00CZK
DetailPAVELA s.r.o.Zlín347 270,00287 000,00CZK
DetailFAKO spol. s r.o.Kroměříž361 790,00299 000,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

D/2314/2021/PŘ202317 423,9914 400,00
D/2314/2021/PŘ2022331 056,01273 600,00