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Vysvětlení zadávací dokumentace

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Text vysvětlení zadávací dokumentace
DetailThe contracting authority hereby confirms that the visa applications from Bhutan and Nepal are to be delivered to and collected from the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi. Under the current contract, the visa applications from Bhutan and Nepal are delivered to and collected from the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi for the service fee of 17 EUR. The lower limit of the price range for the new contract is set at 22 EUR, and the upper limit 40 EUR. Please note that the tender price (service fee per one processed application) is but one partial award criteria and the participant can use the entire price range. Since the contracting authority requires the highest standards of quality and efficiency as well as maximum comfort for applicants, the request to increase the limits of the price range of the service fee is hereby denied. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic


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