Zajištění strážní služby pro OSSZ Šumperk

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail20097001320. 04. 2020FORCORP GROUP spol. s r.o.542 578,52448 412,00CZK

Published Documents

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DetailSmlouva na zajištění strážní služby pro OSSZ Šumperk.pdfSmlouva11. 05. 2020 15:37Dokument není zavirovaný

Amendments to the Contract/Agreement

218. 01. 2024 805,942 145,40

List of Participants

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DetailFORCORP GROUP spol. s r.o.Olomouc542 578,52448 412,00CZK
DetailVKUS-BUSTAN s.r.o.Frýdek-Místek599 361,40495 340,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

2009700132023140 594,29116 193,62
2009700132022139 942,33115 654,82
2009700132021132 217,67109 270,80
200970013202077 449,6864 008,00