A scheduled downtime of the authorized section of NEN is currently in progress. For details, see News and Information.

OS Praha 3 - zbudování sociálního zařízení v podkroví

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail50 Spr 435/202318. 07. 2024BATICOM s.r.o.759 819,50627 950,00759 819,50627 950,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailBATICOM s.r.o.Praha759 819,50627 950,00CZKYes
DetailAMT Zbraslavská stavební s.r.o.Praha1 207 311,31997 777,94CZKNo
DetailOTISTAV s.r.o.Praha985 448,61814 420,34CZKNo
DetailKVOTYBEK spol. s r.o.Praha842 160,00696 000,00CZKNo
DetailP & M bau, s.r.o.Praha945 347,74781 279,12CZKNo