DNS - Kategorie č. 8 - Injekční technika - Výzva č. 3

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail2411100033809. 05. 2024POLYMED medical CZ, a.s.3 536 008,003 157 150,003 536 008,003 157 150,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailPerfect Distribution a.s.Prostějov4 967 352,504 435 100,00CZK
DetailPOLYMED medical CZ, a.s.Hradec Králové3 536 008,003 157 750,00CZK
DetailSPECIAL PRO FORCE 1 s.r.o.Litoměřice3 669 904,003 276 700,00CZK