Nákup kamen s příslušenstvím

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail1621/20/2018-793523. 10. 2018JMK elektro, s.r.o.47 371,5039 150,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailBERI - CZ s.r.o.Litvínov48 363,7039 970,00CZK
DetailJMK elektro, s.r.o.Branišovice47 371,5039 150,00CZK
DetailTSUNAMI, spol. s r.o.Litoměřice64 444,6053 260,00CZK
DetailSPECIAL PRO FORCE 1 s.r.o.Litoměřice62 436,0051 600,00CZK