DNS 5/2017 - 2. část - Originální tonery

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailMV- 98490-12/VZ-201713. 10. 2017Azenet s.r.o.6 732 045,545 563 674,00CZK

Published Documents

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DetailKupní smlouva DNS tonery 5/2017Smlouva17. 10. 2017 11:01Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailOFFICE DEPOT s.r.o.Hostivice7 895 698,436 525 370,60CZK
DetailFADOMA DATA spol. s r.o.Olomouc7 089 124,415 858 780,50CZK
DetailAKR1 s.r.o.Praha7 031 178,115 810 891,00CZK
DetailAzenet s.r.o.Plzeň6 732 045,545 563 674,00CZK