A scheduled downtime of the authorized section of NEN is currently in progress. For details, see News and Information.


Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPP-137829-12/ČJ-2024-0300VZ31. 10. 2024S E T O S spol. s r.o.612 598,80506 280,00612 598,80506 280,00CZK

Published Documents

No records to be displayed in this list.

List of Participants

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DetailSmarty CZ a.s.PrahaNo
DetailZ + M Partner, spol. s r.o.OstravaNo
DetailAlza.cz a.s.PrahaNo
DetailS E T O S spol. s r.o.PrahaYes

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPP-137829-12/ČJ-2024-0300VZ2024612 598,80506 280,00