VO Třemošná

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail09. 10. 2020KAPPENBERGER + BRAUN, Elektro-Technik spol. s r.o.1 455 773,001 203 118,181 455 773,001 203 118,18

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List of Participants

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DetailKAPPENBERGER + BRAUN, Elektro-Technik spol. s r.o.1 391 160,001 149 719,00
DetailAVOS Plzeň, spol. s r.o.1 457 076,001 204 195,04
DetailSUPTel a.s.1 499 014,001 238 854,54

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

202164 613,0053 399,17
20201 391 160,001 149 719,00