PC, notebooky pro zaměstnance

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail24097526. 07. 2024TOPSOFT JKM spol. s r.o.705 284,80582 880,00705 284,80582 880,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailTOPSOFT JKM spol. s r.o.Roudnice nad Labem705 284,80582 880,00CZKYes
DetailAf Office, s.r.o.Praha875 362,40723 440,00CZKNo
DetailThein Systems a.s.Brno990 244,64818 384,00CZKNo
DetailB2C, s.r.o.Praha878 460,00726 000,00CZKNo
DetailMicroshop,s.r.o.Praha808 328,40668 040,00CZKNo
DetailM Computers s.r.o.Brno894 456,20739 220,00CZKNo
DetailNetfox s.r.o.Praha963 208,40796 040,00CZKNo