CHS Jičín – rekonstrukce stanice

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail90902972708. 04. 2024REVIST s.r.o.5 137 696,304 246 030,005 137 696,304 246 030,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailANTON A SYN s.r.o.Mladé Buky5 193 177,224 291 882,00CZK
DetailKapoturo s.r.o.Praha5 260 568,744 347 577,47CZK
DetailSTAVBY FILIPCIK s.r.o.Praha4 922 645,424 068 302,00CZK
DetailREVIST s.r.o.Praha5 137 696,304 246 030,00CZK
DetailArthur Design s.r.o.Praha5 197 916,794 295 799,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

9090297272024911 981,84753 704,00
9090297272024738 162,92610 052,00
9090297272024417 747,66345 246,00
9090297272024996 639,49823 669,00
9090297272024260 460,97215 257,00