Ekonomický informační systém pro Kancelář prezidenta republiky

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSPH 2768/201802. 11. 2018MÚZO Praha s.r.o.668 844,44552 764,00CZK

Published Documents

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Detail1dodatek č. 1.pdfBlíže nespecifikovaný dokument04. 02. 2019 08:41Dokument není zavirovaný
DetailSPH_2768_2018.pdfSmlouva13. 12. 2018 14:17Dokument není zavirovaný

Amendments to the Contract/Agreement

No records to be displayed in this list.

List of Participants

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DetailMÚZO Praha s.r.o.Praha668 844,44552 764,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

SPH 2768/2018202351 980,4042 959,00
SPH 2768/2018202251 980,4042 959,00
SPH 2768/2018202151 980,4042 959,00
SPH 2768/2018202038 985,3030 798,40
SPH 2768/20182019536 861,40424 120,50