Architektonické a grafické řešení výstavy Slasti a neřesti/Podmalby na skle v Musaionu

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail24078705. 09. 2024Ing. arch. Lucie Kirovová, Ph.D.423 500,00350 000,00423 500,00350 000,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailDL studio, s.r.o.Praha423 500,00350 000,00CZKNo
DetailMgA. Martin BušekPlzeň399 300,00330 000,00CZKNo
DetailZdeněk ProšekUnhošť408 980,00338 000,00CZKNo
DetailIng. arch. Lucie Kirovová, Ph.D.Ostrava423 500,00350 000,00CZKYes