KŘP Msk - POLICIE 2.0 - Vnitřní malby objektu OOP Ostrava, Bohumínská 1814

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPT-27718-25/ČJ-2023-0700VZ05. 04. 2023DM Color, s.r.o.670 898,54554 461,60670 898,54554 461,60CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailVladimír Malych - HydroizomatSkalica1 070 850,00885 000,00CZK
DetailMichal JasiokOstrava992 123,04819 936,40CZK
DetailDM Color, s.r.o.Libřice670 898,54554 461,60CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPT-27718-25/ČJ-2023-0700VZ2023670 898,54554 461,60