KŘP Msk - POLICIE 2.0 – Vnitřní malby a podlahová krytina v objektu OOP Nový Jičín, Vančurova 704

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPT-34355-17/ČJ-2023-0700VZ04. 04. 2023JMK elektro, s.r.o.604 015,06499 186,00604 015,06499 186,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailSG STAVBY, s.r.o.Praha626 033,43517 383,00CZK
DetailStavona Olomouc s.r.o.Olomouc682 093,46563 713,60CZK
DetailJMK elektro, s.r.o.Branišovice604 015,06499 186,00CZK
DetailDRŽIK s.r.o.Ostrava782 505,71646 698,93CZK
DetailSUBSTAV Invest s.r.o.Brušperk642 389,61530 900,50CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPT-34355-17/ČJ-2023-0700VZ2023604 015,06499 186,00