Zajištění fyzické ostrahy areálu Baarova 1026/2, Praha 4
Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded
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1579/2021 | 30. 06. 2021 | SBS "IVA", s.r.o. | 1 061 122,00 | 876 960,00 | CZK |
Published Documents
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407_Rozhodnutí o výběru_ SBSIVA.pdf | 02. 07. 2021 10:02 | Dokument není zavirovaný |
List of Participants
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PAKD group s.r.o. | Kladno | |||||
T & W Service s.r.o. | Plzeň | |||||
KMP GROUP s.r.o. | Praha | |||||
BPSA s.r.o. | Chrudim | |||||
SCSA Security s.r.o. | Praha | |||||
SKYCLEAN s.r.o. | Praha | |||||
FORCORP GROUP spol. s r.o. | Olomouc | |||||
NOKIKA s.r.o. | Praha | |||||
INDUS FACILITY, spol. s r. o. | Praha | |||||
INVESTMENT AGENCY s.r.o. | Kladno |