Tonery pro laserové tiskárny OKI B731

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail2803658004. 09. 2024Ditcom s.r.o.152 097,00125 700,00152 097,00125 700,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailTONERA spol. s r.o.Praha176 660,00146 000,00CZKNo
DetailSOFTCOM GROUP, spol. s r.o.Praha154 989,00128 090,00CZKNo
DetailDitcom s.r.o.Praha152 097,00125 700,00CZKYes
DetailPREMO s.r.o.Staré Město154 759,00127 900,00CZKNo
DetailThein Systems a.s.Brno157 517,80130 180,00CZKNo
DetailREAGA s.r.o.Praha162 454,60134 260,00CZKNo