OS Nový Jičín - Obnova HW pro virtualizaci

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSpr 704/202409. 09. 2024M Computers s.r.o.1 146 596,00947 600,001 146 596,00947 600,00CZK

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DetailM Computers s.r.o.Brno1 146 596,00947 600,00CZKYes
DetailCS21 Nextnet, s.r.o.Ostrava1 279 575,001 057 500,00CZKNo
DetailSafe IT s.r.o.Ostrava2 540 987,902 099 990,00CZKNo
DetailGC System a.s.Brno1 169 011,25966 125,00CZKNo