Tisk publikací a letáků II

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailNPICR-255/2024/11-311. 06. 2024H. R. G. spol. s r.o.148 134,25122 425,00148 134,25122 425,00CZK

Published Documents

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DetailNPICR-255/2024/11-3Smlouva o zajisteni tiskuSmlouva12. 06. 2024 07:55Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailASTRON print, s.r.o.Praha171 815,40141 996,20CZK
DetailLD, s.r.o.Praha272 628,27225 312,62CZK
DetailZEMAN ART s.r.o.Kopřivnice170 859,74141 206,40CZK
DetailH. R. G. spol. s r.o.Litomyšl148 134,25122 425,00CZK
DetailBUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS & SERVICES BISS, s.r.o.Pardubice152 371,52136 046,00CZK
DetailTiskárna Knopp s.r.o.Nové Město nad Metují168 412,64139 184,00CZK
DetailINPRESS a.s.České Budějovice173 802,45143 638,39CZK
DetailPetr BrázdaBřeclav221 861,24183 356,40CZK
DetailQuatro print, a.s.Brno145 379,00145 379,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

NPICR-255/2024/11-32024127 033,45122 425,00