Oprava povrchu chodníku ul. Lexova - západ

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailDSML_UMO5/00042/2422. 08. 2024ROCKY STAVBY COMPANY CZ s.r.o.4 461 711,403 687 364,794 461 711,403 687 364,79CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailStaluv Trade s.r.o.Praha7 206 239,665 955 569,97CZKNo
DetailKVIS Pardubice a.s.Pardubice7 864 013,436 499 184,65CZKNo
DetailROCKY STAVBY COMPANY CZ s.r.o.Praha4 461 711,403 687 364,79CZKYes
DetailMIROS Pardubice a.s.Pardubice5 774 133,374 772 011,05CZKNo
DetailDlažba Vysoké Mýto, s.r.o.Vysoké Mýto6 593 714,835 449 351,10CZKNo
DetailSlužby města Pardubic a.s.Pardubice5 979 942,884 942 101,55CZKNo