Uzavření smlouvy na poskytnutí služby "UtilityReport"

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailD/0028/2019/KŘ-IT31. 01. 2019HRDLIČKA spol.s r.o.1 440 505,001 190 500,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailHRDLIČKA spol.s r.o.Tetín1 440 505,001 190 500,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

D/0028/2019/KŘ-IT2023199 497,54164 874,00
D/0028/2019/KŘ-IT2022173 325,24143 244,00
D/0028/2019/KŘ-IT2021166 980,00138 000,00
D/0028/2019/KŘ-IT2020166 980,00138 000,00
D/0028/2019/KŘ-IT2019772 585,00638 500,00