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Silnice III/4868: Vidče - Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, sesuv

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSML/0510/2003. 08. 2020COLAS CZ, a.s.16 670 229,2913 777 049,00CZK

Published Documents

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DetailPísemná zpráva zadavatele Vidče - Rožnov, sesuv.pdfPísemná zpráva zadavatele07. 08. 2020 08:13Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailSWIETELSKY stavební s.r.o.České Budějovice17 008 752,9414 056 820,61CZK
DetailCOLAS CZ, a.s.Praha16 670 229,2913 777 049,00CZK
DetailEUROVIA CS, a.s.Praha17 212 264,4814 225 011,97CZK
DetailSTRABAG a.s.17 373 917,9414 358 609,87CZK
DetailPORR a.s.Praha17 153 855,4014 176 740,00CZK