Zajištění úklidových prací pro OSSZ Cheb

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail2917799625. 11. 2024ABY servis, s.r.o.632 404,08522 648,00632 404,08522 648,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailM&J Shine s.r.o.Praha1 222 094,971 009 995,84CZKNo
DetailABY servis, s.r.o.Praha632 404,08522 648,00CZKYes
DetailRadoslav ChladSokolov1 511 496,001 511 496,00CZKNo
DetailRaamar, s.r.o.Praha735 747,57608 055,84CZKNo
DetailFORCORP GROUP spol. s r.o.Olomouc850 885,36703 211,04CZKNo