ND - Bezpečnostní služby - Státní opera

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailND/6760/600301/202426. 09. 2024Agentura PANCÉŘ s.r.o.14 830 960,3212 256 992,0014 830 960,3212 256 992,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailAgentura PANCÉŘ s.r.o.Praha14 830 960,3212 256 992,00CZKYes
DetailABAS IPS Management s.r.o.Ostrava17 807 328,0014 716 800,00CZKNo
DetailMark2 Corporation Czech a.s.Praha20 330 032,8016 801 680,00CZKNo
DetailOBS Praha s.r.o.Praha15 000 553,9212 397 152,00CZKNo