Bezhotovostní odběr PHM prostřednictvím karet pro HZS JmK

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail62-2-7094/202018. 08. 2020ČEPRO, a.s.10 350 000,008 553 719,00CZK

Published Documents

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Amendments to the Contract/Agreement

123. 11. 2022,000,00

List of Participants

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DetailČEPRO, a.s.Praha10 350 000,008 553 719,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

62-2-7094/20202022110 417,1891 253,84
62-2-7094/20202021287 622,56237 704,55
62-2-7094/2020202136 609,0630 255,44
62-2-7094/2020202145 457,4537 568,16
62-2-7094/2020202196 970,2180 140,65
62-2-7094/202020214 165,203 442,31
62-2-7094/20202021134 122,22110 844,77
62-2-7094/202020212 292,301 894,46
62-2-7094/20202021115 952,7395 828,67