KŘP Pzk - OOP Bor - vybudování přípojky plynu, změna zdroje vytápění"

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPP-75722-19/ČJ-2021-0300VZ-VZ16. 09. 2021Petr Plíhal879 760,66727 074,93879 760,66727 074,93CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailPetr PlíhalKrucemburk

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPP-75722-19/ČJ-2021-0300VZ-VZ2022227 410,79187 942,80
KRPP-75722-19/ČJ-2021-0300VZ-VZ202287 979,1472 710,03
KRPP-75722-19/ČJ-2021-0300VZ-VZ2021564 370,73466 422,09