Nákup provozních kapalin 2021 - 2024

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPK-73432-19/ČJ-2021-1900VZ18. 11. 2021LUBSTAR, a.s.1 812 005,251 497 525,001 812 005,251 497 525,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailŠKODA AUTO a.s.Mladá Boleslav2 238 448,391 849 957,35CZK
DetailLKQ CZ s.r.o.Praha2 055 325,241 698 615,90CZK
DetailLUBSTAR, a.s.Zlosyň1 812 005,251 497 525,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPK-73432-19/ČJ-2021-1900VZ202287 791,5172 554,97
KRPK-73432-19/ČJ-2021-1900VZ202251 594,4042 640,00
KRPK-73432-19/ČJ-2021-1900VZ202150 850,2542 025,00
KRPK-73432-19/ČJ-2021-1900VZ202112 124,2010 020,00