KŘP Kvk – P 2.0 – OOP Ostrov – oprava ústředního topení

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPK-74343-14/ČJ-2023-1900VZ27. 10. 2023Radek Tirala529 850,26437 892,78529 850,26437 892,78CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailWerner HopfHabartov1 083 004,45895 045,00CZK
DetailKMB Heating s.r.o.Most748 462,52618 564,07CZK
DetailRadek TiralaSokolov529 850,26437 892,78CZK
DetailLüger group s.r.o.Brno769 328,81635 808,93CZK
DetailWESTINSTAL s.r.o.Karlovy Vary807 700,71667 521,25CZK
DetailJ&M Svoboda s.r.o.Chodov1 194 123,46986 878,89CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPK-74343-14/ČJ-2023-1900VZ2024529 850,26437 892,78