Zajištění tiskových služeb na 68 měsíců

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailHSLI-566-4/KŘ-EKO-56-202312. 04. 2023RICOH Czech Republic s.r.o.1 552 952,721 283 432,001 552 952,721 283 432,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailRICOH Czech Republic s.r.o.Praha0,000,00

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

HSLI-566-4/KŘ-EKO-56-2023202323 150,9219 132,99
HSLI-566-4/KŘ-EKO-56-2023202324 332,2320 109,28
HSLI-566-4/KŘ-EKO-56-2023202325 149,6020 784,79
HSLI-566-4/KŘ-EKO-56-2023202323 842,2919 704,37
HSLI-566-4/KŘ-EKO-56-2023202321 903,5818 102,13