Zajištění tiskových služeb HZS ÚK_ tisková zařízení s obměnou

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail202304107. 03. 2023RICOH Czech Republic s.r.o.2 343 490,491 936 769,002 343 490,491 936 769,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailRICOH Czech Republic s.r.o.Praha0,000,00

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

2023041202440 655,8133 599,84
2023041202435 808,7529 594,01
2023041202440 094,8433 136,23
2023041202434 433,7628 457,65
2023041202436 149,4529 875,58
2023041202331 166,5225 757,45
2023041202332 347,8626 733,77
2023041202332 047,5526 485,58
2023041202329 075,5624 029,39
2023041202331 127,0225 724,81