Nafta I

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailŘK-25/2024-ÚE01. 02. 2024ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o.9 000 000,007 438 016,539 000 000,007 438 016,53CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o.Litvínov0,000,00

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

ŘK-25/2024-ÚE202476 284,2763 044,85
ŘK-25/2024-ÚE202470 763,4058 482,15
ŘK-25/2024-ÚE202471 000,2058 677,85
ŘK-25/2024-ÚE202475 556,6462 443,50
ŘK-25/2024-ÚE2024788 606,21651 740,66
ŘK-25/2024-ÚE2024560 452,61463 183,98
ŘK-25/2024-ÚE202474 455,7361 533,66
ŘK-25/2024-ÚE202489 142,3873 671,39
ŘK-25/2024-ÚE2024650 032,28537 216,76
ŘK-25/2024-ÚE2024178 220,72147 289,85