Likvidace nebezpečných a ostatních odpadů na období 2024-2025

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailKRPC-140920/ČJ-2023-0200VO-VZL06. 12. 2023RUMPOLD 01 - Vodňany s.r.o.1 092 291,20904 620,001 092 291,20904 620,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailMarius Pedersen a.s.Hradec Králové1 104 609,00914 900,00CZK
DetailRUMPOLD 01 - Vodňany s.r.o.Vodňany1 092 291,20904 620,00CZK
DetailFCC České Budějovice, s.r.o.České Budějovice1 099 248,70909 070,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

KRPC-140920/ČJ-2023-0200VO-VZL30 104,8024 880,00
KRPC-140920/ČJ-2023-0200VO-VZL6 737,285 568,00
KRPC-140920/ČJ-2023-0200VO-VZL40 685,0433 624,00
KRPC-140920/ČJ-2023-0200VO-VZL24 200,0020 000,00