Servery (VeV - VA) - nákup

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail2311100053114. 07. 2023ALWIL Trade, spol. s r.o.1 227 932,201 014 820,001 227 932,201 014 820,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailCSF, s.r.o.Hradec Králové1 303 068,361 076 916,00CZK
DetailBe a Future s.r.o.Praha1 239 079,931 024 033,00CZK
DetailAUTOCONT a.s.Ostrava1 348 536,531 114 493,00CZK
DetailYOUR SYSTEM, spol.s r.o.Praha1 437 540,501 188 050,00CZK
DetailALWIL Trade, spol. s r.o.Praha1 227 932,201 014 820,00CZK