Nákup duší pro PV3S

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail483593/2024-662419. 07. 2024BestDrive Czech Republic s.r.o.9 401,707 770,009 401,707 770,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailBestDrive Czech Republic s.r.o.Otrokovice9 401,707 770,00CZKYes
DetailSKARAB, s.r.o.Příbor10 998,909 090,00CZKNo
DetailJ plus Z servis, s.r.o.Křoví18 839,7015 570,00CZKNo
DetailPNEUCENTRUM N & N s. r. o.Olomouc13 612,5011 250,00CZKNo