JN (NEN) - Ozvučení akce "Den pozemního vojska Bahna 2018"

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSpMO 18139/2018-581017. 05. 2018Michal Moudrý63 500,0063 500,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailMichal MoudrýPraha63 500,0063 500,00CZK
DetailOsvětlovací technika Vít Pavlů, s.r.o.Praha72 600,0060 000,00CZK
DetailLH Project trade s.r.o.Plzeň79 860,0066 000,00CZK
DetailTOVÁRNA - DESIGN s.r.o.Praha79 981,0066 100,00CZK