PS 0736 Libavá - Oprava objektu č.p. 210 Město Libavá

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail6440-0736-2018-00114. 06. 2018Pavel Ulrych - STAVITEL s.r.o.5 385 032,624 450 440,18CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailPavel Ulrych - STAVITEL s.r.o.Bystřice pod Hostýnem5 385 032,624 450 440,18CZK
DetailTOVOSTAV s.r.o.Ivanovice na Hané5 469 154,854 519 962,69CZK
DetailSTAVBY - BALLER s.r.o.Spálov7 657 881,926 328 828,04CZK