RD - Servis, údržba a oprava nákladních vozidel IVECO DAILY ZČ

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail535641/2024-662406. 08. 2024Alois Móler242 000,00200 000,00242 000,00200 000,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailOLOMOUCKÁ DOPRAVNÍ s.r.o.Olomouc334 782,80276 680,00CZKNo
DetailAlois MólerLomnice209 654,55173 268,22CZKYes
DetailKAR-mobil s.r.o.Ostrava400 910,66331 331,12CZKNo
DetailMALINA - VRŠE s.r.o.Zachrašťany252 161,58208 398,00CZKNo
DetailJ plus Z servis, s.r.o.Křoví406 511,60335 960,00CZKNo