DNS 05 (2021/13) Evaluace projektu Podpora systémových změn v oblasti služeb péče o ohrožené děti, mladé lidi a rodiny v České republice

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailDNS 5 (2021/13)23. 08. 2021INESAN, s.r.o.193 600,00160 000,00193 600,00160 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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DetailSmlouva_SPOD2 _NEN.pdfSmlouva23. 09. 2021 10:27Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailSocioFactor s.r.o.Ostrava242 000,00200 000,00CZK
DetailINESAN, s.r.o.Praha193 600,00160 000,00CZK
DetailInboox CZ, s.r.o.Česká Lípa273 460,00226 000,00CZK
DetailEvaluation Advisory CE s.r.o.Brno238 854,00197 400,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

DNS 5 (2021/13)2022193 600,00160 000,00
DNS 5 (2021/13)20210,000,00