Dodávka mobilních telefonů pro projekt P-AP

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailNPICR-214/2022/11-213. 04. 2022TelTrade s.r.o.50 807,9041 990,0050 807,9041 990,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailJ3AG, s.r.o.Praha52 113,4943 069,00CZK
DetailLion Mobile s.r.o.Praha54 252,7744 837,00CZK
Detailcopy&media s.r.o.Praha61 032,4050 440,00CZK a.s.Praha58 288,3048 172,15CZK
DetailTelTrade s.r.o.Ostrava50 807,9041 990,00CZK
DetailPT-MOBIL s.r.o.Chrudim56 156,1046 410,00CZK
DetailIRD distribucePraha 1053 765,1444 434,00CZK
DetailAMENDOIM s.r.o.Dolní Břežany54 410,0744 967,00CZK

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

NPICR-214/2022/11-2202250 807,9041 990,00