KS v Brně – dodávka kancelářských potřeb

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSpr 348/202422. 04. 2024Jan Vytopil599 291,44495 282,20599 291,44495 282,20CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailSMERO, spol. s r.o.Rajhrad669 974,30553 697,77CZK
DetailJan VytopilMoravičany599 291,44495 282,20CZK
DetailINTERPAP Office, s.r.o.Děčín637 637,58526 973,21CZK
DetailACTIVA spol. s r.o.Praha718 997,25594 212,60CZK