„Uzavření rámcové smlouvy na nákup a dodání kancelářských potřeb – desky – obaly - obálky“

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailSpr 1994/202230. 11. 2022MEFISTO s.r.o.847 000,00700 000,00847 000,00700 000,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailMEFISTO s.r.o.Praha

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

Spr 1994/2022202454 696,0045 203,31
Spr 1994/20222024118 551,0097 976,03
Spr 1994/20222023129 377,00106 923,14
Spr 1994/2022202385 294,0070 490,91