Ostrov – rekonstrukce kanalizace – technický dozor stavebníka

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail VS-139527-12/ČJ-2023-800750-VERZAK11. 10. 2023JAMIVOR Stav s. r. o.424 166,00350 550,00424 166,00350 550,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailSAFETY PRO s.r.o.Olomouc689 700,00570 000,00CZK
DetailJAMIVOR Stav s. r. o.Praha424 166,00350 550,00CZK
DetailVODOPLAN s.r.o.Plzeň744 876,00615 600,00CZK
DetailQM-4C, s.r.o.Liberec996 435,00823 500,00CZK
DetailSTAVING-INVEST s.r.o.Sokolov725 274,00599 400,00CZK