Dodávka, servis a modifikace ATC konzolí a nízkých ATC stolů

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail 242/2019/IS/142 a 243/2019/PS/03218. 12. 2019KATO DESIGN spol.s r.o.70 859 233,5058 561 350,0070 859 233,5058 561 350,00CZK

Published Documents

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DetailPísemná zpráva zadavatelePísemná zpráva zadavatele02. 01. 2020 09:34Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailALES, s.r.o.Praha
DetailKATO DESIGN spol.s r.o.Sibřina

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

242/2019/IS/142 a 243/2019/PS/03220240,000,00
242/2019/IS/142 a 243/2019/PS/0322023472 929,00390 850,41
242/2019/IS/142 a 243/2019/PS/03220223 231 547,002 670 700,00
242/2019/IS/142 a 243/2019/PS/032202135 555 606,0029 384 798,00
242/2019/IS/142 a 243/2019/PS/032202014 207 288,0011 741 560,00