A scheduled downtime of the authorized section of NEN is currently in progress. For details, see News and Information.

21-7.7. DNS - Antigenní testy pro MŠMT - 2. část

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailMSMT-9681/2021-5210. 12. 2021TARGO PROMOTION PRAHA spol. s r.o.16,6916,6916,6916,69CZK

Published Documents

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DetailMŠMT_21-7.7. Testy pro MSMT - Kupni smlouva_an.pdfSmlouva18. 01. 2022 13:15Dokument není zavirovaný

List of Participants

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DetailPerfect Distribution a.s.Prostějov32,0032,00CZK
DetailBATIST Medical a.s.Červený Kostelec25,6325,63CZK
DetailTARGO PROMOTION PRAHA spol. s r.o.Praha16,6916,69CZK
DetailMASANTA s.r.o.Praha 4 - Modřany17,8517,85CZK
DetailCHIRONAX - DIZ s.r.o.Praha17,7717,77CZK
DetailVIDIA spol. s r.o.Vestec18,6318,63CZK